Greece in Türkiye
Useful addresses

Greece’s Diplomatic Representation in Türkiye
Greece’s Diplomatic Representation in Türkiye consists of our Embassy in Ankara, the Consulates General of Greece in Istanbul and Izmir and the Consulate of Greece in Edirne. On the official website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Greece you may find useful information, addresses and other contact details.

Latest news of the Consulate General of Greece in Istanbul

Consulate General of Greece in Istanbul
Visit the website of the Consulate General of Greece in Istanbul here.
Please remember that it is now mandatory to schedule an appointment for the public services of the Consulate General of Istanbul.

Cultural activities of the Consulate General of Greece in Istanbul
Follow the cultural activities of the Consulate General of Greece in Istanbul through the Sismanoglio Mansion account on Facebook.

Consulate General of Greece in Izmir

Social Media
Follow the Greek Embassy in Istanbul on Facebook Greece in Turkey,
Twitter @GreeceInTurkey
and Instagram @GreeceinTurkiye.